
Herbal healing. That is literally the Latin translation of Herbal Medela. 🌿

Being a nurse, and working in healthcare for more than 14 years, I have an in depth knowledge of the human body and many illnesses, but my studies and research has enlightened me to the fact that allopathic medicine only treats the symptom, not the cause and doesn’t necessarily look at a person holistically. 🤍

I qualified as an herbalist after taking a keen interest in herbal medicine over the last few years. Through research and the knowledge from another amazing herbalist, I have managed to drastically reduce my symptoms from Endometriosis - something I struggled with for at least 15 years, purely with herbal medicine and lifestyle changes! ♻️

I have a strong belief that our earth is self contained, and we have everything we need right here on this planet to live a happy, healthy sustainable life. And it’s so fulfilling knowing that there are many others with the same beliefs, what an amazing community to be a part of! 🌍

My mission is to share my passion and knowledge for nature medicine, allowing people to regain autonomy of their own health and well-being, along with sharing some controversial opinions along the way to encourage you to think outside the box. 

Your health belongs to YOU, I'm just here to help.

Love & light, Laura xxx